Dr. Mackie and his team love to visit with you and your family members at checkups. Equally important is the chance we have to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy at these appointments. The American Dental Association wants everyone to have at least two hygiene and cleaning visits with the dentist every year, and we agree. Scheduled at these regular intervals, we can help you have a bright smile and possibly avoid dental problems. A cleaning and exam with Boerne, TX, general dentist Dr. Mackie can be broken down into three parts, teeth cleaning, dental exam and education.


Hygiene & Cleanings Services

Teeth Cleaning

We know that you carefully brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. However, these practices cannot take the place of a professional cleaning by one of our dental hygienists. We clean and polish your teeth with a rotary brush that can remove surface stains far better than an ordinary toothbrush.

To remove plaque and bits of tartar from the surfaces of your teeth and along the gum line, we use a special hand instrument. Your smile will look whiter and brighter after a professional teeth cleaning. And this is a great time to give your teeth a touch-up with our take-home whitening kit. With every last bit of plaque and debris removed, the whitening gel can do an even better job.

Dental Exam

During the exam portion of your hygiene and cleaning appointment, we’ll carefully check your teeth and your gums as well as your entire oral cavity and throat. When we look at your teeth, we’re checking for early signs of decay, cracks or existing fillings that are loose or in disrepair. If we find these problems early, then treatment can usually be quick and convenient. For instance, decay or dental caries can be repaired with a tooth-colored filling, and a cracked tooth can be preserved with a dental crown.

The hygienist will check to see that your gum tissue is healthy, too. Red, swollen or bleeding gums can be a symptom of periodontal disease. We’ll also complete a dental chart that includes measurements of the depths of gum pockets around your teeth. Pockets deeper than four millimeters can also be indicative of gum disease.

If you do have gum disease, then depending on the severity Dr. Mackie will either recommend a deep cleaning with scaling and root planing, or treatment with our soft tissue laser.

Patient Education

A portion of your hygiene and cleaning appointment is set aside to answer any questions you may have and offer advice on how you can take better care of your smile during the time in between visits to our Louisville, KY, dental practice. We’ll make sure you’re performing your at-home oral hygiene routine as well as possible. With your help and participation, you can have your best smile ever!

Are you ready to schedule a hygiene and cleaning appointment with Dr. Mackie? Call our Boerne office today to speak with one of our staff members.

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