If you get a stuffy nose when the pollen count is high, every time you’re around a cat, or have an even worse reaction to certain foods, it’s likely you’re suffering from an allergic reaction. The typical symptoms of allergies include itchy eyes, a stuffed up nose, or difficulty breathing. But did you know that… Read More
You’ve most likely experienced having dental x-rays taken several times throughout your life, but what exactly is the point of looking below the surface of your teeth? Our dental office in Boerne takes these images for a variety of reasons, so this month, let’s take a look at why dental x-rays are such an important… Read More
At our dental office in Boerne, we occasionally have a patient who is concerned with a recurring dream where they lose their teeth. Sometimes one tooth becomes curiously loose and just pops right out. Other times the whole mouth of teeth begins to crumble, leading to a totally toothless smile. While we understand these dreams… Read More
Every March 17th, we’re all a little bit Irish and join in the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day by putting on our best green outfit and possibly meeting up with friends at a local bar. As one of the largest drinking days of the year, our dental office in Boerne wants to remind our patients… Read More
There are many widely known causes of cavities including eating too much sugar, not brushing or flossing your teeth enough, or avoiding regular visits to your Boerne dentist. But there are also plenty of lesser known cavity-causing culprits out there that you should be aware of… Teeth with Deep Grooves Many people naturally have teeth… Read More
Most of us have heard that drinking red wine may have heart-healthy benefits. And while there’s still some debate on just how true that is, you may find it surprising that there may just be some oral health benefits to partaking in glass every now and then. Our dental office in Boerne explores these potential… Read More
Nobody wants to struggle with the embarrassment of bad breath. But during this time of year it may seem like a bigger deal than normal. With all the close-talking at holiday parties and potential surprise moments under the mistletoe, bad breath can damper anyone’s good time. At our dental office in Boerne, we don’t want… Read More
This Thanksgiving, we want to switch it up a bit and challenge all of our patients to think outside of the box when sharing their thanks with friends and family around the dinner table. Everyone gives thanks for friends, family, overall health, and perhaps love. And rightfully so. But at our dental office in Boerne… Read More
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the months of October and November are when influenza activity begins to increase. And although flu season doesn’t tend to peak until December through February, getting ahead of the flu and preparing yourself and your family to avoid it is half of the battle. Our… Read More
So your dentist in Boerne told you that you need a root canal. And you’re a little bit scared because, let’s face it, a root canal doesn’t sound like much fun. After all, everything you’ve ever heard about root canals make them sound painful and scary. Root canals have had a bad reputation for years,… Read More